September 2014

Migration fallouts As September began a northern cold front pushed its way into central Oklahoma causing a migrant fallout, and reports for one day cover … Read more

October 2014

Migration Continues October was a pleasant month with several migration surprises.  The really big surprise was the report of a Costa or Costa hybrid Hummingbird … Read more

Wild Turkey

The Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) comes to mind around Thanksgiving time.  In the last 10-15 years this species usually shows up on our Christmas Bird … Read more

Bonaparte’s Gull

The Bonaparte’s Gull (Larus pheladelphia) was a bird species that snuck up on me.  Many years ago, John Newell said something about seeing Bonaparte’s Gulls … Read more

March 2014

Early arrivals From ice to fire multiple changes kept weather, plant and bird watchers on their toes this month. The month started with cold, snow … Read more

April 2014

Busy, Busy, Busy It is hard to write this report as I sit beside the river in The Great Smoky Mountains with birds singing and … Read more

Cliff Swallow

The Cliff Swallow (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) is a nesting bird everywhere in Oklahoma, but rarer in the eastern part of the state. Breeding bird surveys show … Read more

The Mockingbirds

By Patti Muzny A world without Mockingbirds would be a dismal world indeed. I don’t think I could handle their absence very well. We have … Read more

May 2014

The Most Birdy Report It appears more birds were reported this month than any other month on record. Not that the birds haven’t been here, … Read more

CBCs for 2013

Christmas Bird Counts for the 2013 counting season are now an assortment of statistics in participants and compiler’s records. Those statistics do not reflect the … Read more

May 2013

Beauty and the Beasts Half of the new reports were colorful warblers plus some interesting shorebirds. But as migration slowed down and nesting season begin, … Read more