Summer 2013

    Recorders Report –  2013 Summer Surprises    This summer was full of surprises from the weather to visiting bird species.  Cool weather with lots … Read more

February 2013

GBBC This was a busy month with the GBBC and weather changes.  The drought continues even though water from Canton Lake began flowing into Lake … Read more

December 2012

Christmas Bird Counts and Storms Winter arrived with a Christmas storm, Christmas Bird Counts and lots of birds for birders to locate. While the drought … Read more

Scarlet Tanager

Most every birder has favorite birds, based on a variety of things.  When I was maybe 10-12, my favorite bird, for beauty, became the Scarlet … Read more

May 2012

End of Spring Migration As the final summer migrants arrived to settle in for nesting season, a storm with rain, wind and hail up to … Read more

May / June 2012

After our stifling heat and drought last year, the recent cooler and beautifully damp weather has been totally delightful. It is definitely contributing to the … Read more