LOCATION: South Lakes Park, 4210 SW 119th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73173
Contributed by: Melissa Joni Cunningham
35.345088, -97.594487

South Lakes Park sits on 158 acres with a 1.25 mi walking path around the fishing ponds. It is in the shape of a horseshoe, and plenty of parking all around. Two fishing ponds are separated by a children’s’ play area and a skate park.
As you turn south into the park, on the left, across from the children’s area is small field surrounded by trees, leading down to where the small area of the fishing pond starts. This field is where the birding opportunities start.
As you follow along the path toward the event center, there are a few places to look through the trees to see what is on the water and on the other side, which is also lined with trees. Soon you will be reaching the larger area of the fishing pond and behind the event center.
Continuing around to other side of the skate park is the other fishing pond. To the left of the bridge, it is lined on both sides with trees. Crossing over the bridge, follow along the path to the left where there are trees next to the fence. These attract nesting Baltimore and Orchard Orioles and Scissortailed-Flycatchers during Spring and Summer.

Throughout the Year: Blue Jay, American Robin, Northern Cardinal, Downy and Red-bellied Woodpecker, Mallards, Canada Geese, Great Blue Heron, and Great Egret.

Spring/Fall Migration: Eastern Phoebe, Lark Sparrow, Blue winged Teal, Barn Swallows (nesting under the entrances of event center), Purple Martins, Savannah Sparrows, Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Baltimore and Orchard Orioles, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Yellow Warbler, Eastern Wood-Pewee, Little Blue Heron, Green Heron and Cattle Egret, Dark-eyed Juncos, Gadwall, Northern Shovelers, Blue-winged Teal, and Snow Goose are just a few you can see.