Well, the final results of the 2024 OKC CBC are tabulated. We had 109 species totaling 24,908 birds. We also had one exotic species, 8 Mute Swans and 5 subspecies noted and other genera like gull sp, sparrow sp, and passerine sp.
We had about 41 counters broken up into 19 count teams. Update on party efforts on count day:
Party miles on foot…….54.5 mi.
Party miles by car………306 mi.
Party hours by foot…….70 hours.
Party hours by car………48.5 hours.
Party hours by boat……..1 hour.
The OKC checklist with our species and numbers appears below
Thanks to all who participated.
Jimmy Woodard, Compiler
Snow Goose |
4 |
Bonaparte’s Gull |
41 |
Yel.-bellied Sapsucker |
3 |
House Sparrow |
325 |
Cackling Goose |
48 |
Ring-billed Gull |
5504 |
Red-headed Wood. |
1 |
American Pipit |
8 |
Canada Goose |
1454 |
Amer. Herring Gull |
17 |
Downy Woodpecker |
43 |
House Finch |
90 |
Mute Swan |
8 |
Les. Black-backed Gull` |
3 |
Hairy Woodpecker |
5 |
Purple Finch |
1 |
Wood Duck |
1 |
Iceland/Thayer’s |
1 |
Pileated Woodpecker |
2 |
Amer. Goldfinch |
101 |
Northern Shoveler |
68 |
Gull sp. |
20 |
Norther Flicker |
62 |
Lapland Longspur |
2 |
Green-winged Teal |
215 |
Forster’s Tern |
1 |
American Kestrel |
26 |
Field Sparrow |
7 |
Canvasback |
119 |
Pied-billed Grebe |
57 |
Eastern Phoebe |
3 |
Amer. Tree Sparrow |
2 |
Redhead |
14 |
Horned Grebe |
16 |
Blue Jay |
95 |
Fox Sparrow |
1 |
Ring-necked Duck |
14 |
Eared Grebe |
3 |
Amer. Crow |
263 |
Dark-eyed Junco |
235 |
Greater Scaup |
5 |
Common Loon |
7 |
Carolina Chickadee |
157 |
Slate-colored Jun. |
4 |
Lesser Scaup |
234 |
Double-crested Cor. |
1712 |
Tufted Titmouse |
32 |
White-crowned Sp. |
29 |
Bufflehead |
111 |
Bl-cr. Night Heron |
7 |
Horned Lark |
1 |
Sparrow sp. |
7 |
Common Goldeneye |
57 |
Great Egret |
4 |
Ruby-crowned King. |
38 |
Harris’s Sparrow |
191 |
Hooded Merganser |
203 |
Great Blue Heron |
61 |
Gold.-crowned King. |
23 |
White-throated Sp. |
44 |
Common Merganser |
12 |
Amer. White Pelican |
151 |
White-br. Nuthatch |
1 |
Savannah Sparrow |
6 |
Red-br. Merganser |
910 |
Black Vulture |
3 |
Brown Creeper |
11 |
Song Sparrow |
82 |
Ruddy Duck |
35 |
Turkey Vulture |
2 |
Winter Wren |
1 |
Lincoln’s Sparrow |
4 |
Blue-winged Teal |
5 |
Sharp-shin. Hawk |
6 |
Carolina Wren |
93 |
Swamp Sparrow |
1 |
Rock Pigeon |
905 |
Cooper’s Hawk |
12 |
Bewick’s Wren |
4 |
Spotted Towhee |
22 |
Eur. Collared Dove |
44 |
Bald Eagle |
10 |
European Starling |
6220 |
Eastern Towhee |
1 |
White-winged Dove |
17 |
Red-shoul. Hawk |
20 |
Brown Thrasher |
5 |
Meadowlark sp. |
7 |
Mourning Dove |
124 |
Red-Tailed Hawk |
48 |
North. Mockingbird |
81 |
Eastern Meadowlark |
75 |
American Coot |
146 |
Hawk |
1 |
East. Bluebird |
52 |
Red-winged Blackbird |
422 |
Killdeer |
107 |
East. Screech Owl |
1 |
Hermit Thrush |
1 |
Passerine sp. |
20 |
Greater Yellowlegs |
5 |
Great Horned Owl |
6 |
Amer. Robin |
893 |
Br.-headed Cowbird |
17 |
Barred Owl |
2 |
Cedar Waxwing |
496 |
Common Grackle |
373 |
Belted Kingfisher |
30 |
Great-tailed Grack. |
413 |
Yel.-rumped Warbler |
50 |
North. Cardinal |
324 |